Saturday, October 31, 2009

Food and Population - Educational ideas

... mainly on population and women’s health.

By Bonnie Humber; submitted by Julia Morton-Marr 2009-10-29

Awareness, Knowledge, Empowerment and a Vehicle to pass the information on.

1. Use the already empowered women to empower other women on population issues.

2. Population is a women’s health issue.

3. In areas of poverty, use food to attract and deliver condoms and educational messages.

4. Encourage women’s meetings and dovetail sex-ed with other programs like they do with the Grameen Bank who give micro loans in Bangladesh.

5. Donate a goat to a family with a case of condoms.

6. Include Mothers and daughters in western countries in the process. The message must be personalized.

7. Have safe zones for girls in Africa so that female mutilation is never achieved.

8. Classrooms need a real sex-ed curriculum component as a regular subject, not an additional one.

9. Use Dance, Drama Presentations and Road Shows to invite participation in condom use.

10. Listen and ask women what they need and organize it for them. If they ask to a tubal ligation, give it to them. This only after them understanding why they should limit the size of their family.


11. Conception education for men, invite them for a beer and give them a box of condoms.

12. Involve Fathers and sons, in the educational programs so that they understand the problems. They must understand the damage they can do to women.

13. Remove the myth that AIDS will cure men if they have sex with children under 5 years old.

14. Encourage same sex marriages, as they will not be children from these.

Government and Religious

15. The involvement of Churches and other Religious groups, as their members will follow if they understand the problems and they are presented well.

16. Governments need to ‘work with NGO’s’ wherever possible. One member of Parliament can make a huge difference.

Media & Laws

17. Use TV & Radio programs to get the message across.

18. Computer networking has amazing possibilities with the right messages.

19. Enforce laws that cover sexual criminal mis-conduct.

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